Athletic Academic Eligibility
The University of Nebraska at Kearney is an NCAA Division II member of the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA). The NCAA has specified a satisfactory progress requirement to determine the eligibility of a continuing student-athlete. This is a separate process from determining initial eligibility for entering freshman student-athletes. The satisfactory progress requirement for continuing student-athletes specifies the following.
- The student-athlete must earn 24 semester hours of credit during the 12 month period prior to the semester for which eligibility is to be determined and the student-athlete must have earned 75% of their total earned hours during a regular Fall and Spring Semester, OR
- The student-athlete must have earned an average of 12 hours during each of their academic terms of enrollment and the student-athlete must have earned 75% of their total earned hours during a regular Fall and Spring Semester, AND
- The student-athlete must satisfactorily complete nine semester hours of academic credit the preceding regular academic term in which the student-athlete has been enrolled full time at any collegiate institution, AND
- The student-athlete must maintain a 2.0 Cumulative GPA that keeps them in good academic standing as defined by the institution for all students who are at an equivalent stage of progress toward a degree
By the beginning of the third year of enrollment (fifth semester), a student-athlete shall be required to have designated a program of study, leading toward a specific baccalaureate degree. From that point, the credits used to meet progress-toward-degree must be degree credit toward the student's designated degree program. Applicability of the student-athlete's courses to their degree program is determined using the computerized degree audit system. Any variation to the established degree program must be approved, in writing, by the student-athlete's advisor and the academic department chair.
There are separate rules that apply to transfer students. There are also several waivers and exceptions that are allowed by the NCAA bylaws. Contact the Athletic Department, (308) 865-8514, with any questions.